M.E. Reidy

M.E. Reidy is a managing director at Business Talent Group (BTG), a Heidrick & Struggles on-demand talent company. She leads BTG’s UK-based team, working with clients across Europe. As BTG’s leader in Europe, M.E. focuses on building out the on-demand talent offering across the region. She works closely with clients across industries, including financial services, industrials, life sciences, and nonprofits, supporting critical strategic, operational, and transformative projects through flexible talent solutions.

  • The Interim Talent Solution: Rebalancing Supply and Demand in UK Finance Skills

    The Interim Talent Solution: Rebalancing Supply and Demand in UK Finance Skills

    What particular advantages can on-demand finance talent and interim leaders offer UK companies? And how can these individuals best be deployed in bridging the finance skills gap in the UK?

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