Business Integration Resources
Streamlined business integrations are key to enterprise growth. Whether you’re at the beginning of the integration process or seeking a bridge solution post-close, highly skilled on-demand talent can be layered on top of or adjacent to internal resources and consulting firms to help you seamlessly execute, add extra expertise and support, and transition to internal ownership faster.
Types of Business Integrations: Examples and Insights
Seamless and strategic business integrations can be pivotal for driving growth, fostering innovation, and maintaining competitive advantage today. Explore the different types of business integrations.
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Project Manager for a Post-Merger Biotech Integration
When a large pharmaceutical firm acquired a biotech company spanning the US and China, the Director of Quality and Global Lead for End-to-End Integration needed a project manager to integrate...
BTG Key Strengths: Integrations
Whether you’re at the beginning of the integration process or seeking a bridge solution post-close, get the precise and tailored resourcing you need with on-demand talent.
Hands-On Execution Support to Transition to an Internal Team
Seven months after acquiring a multi-billion-dollar company and using a strategy consulting firm for the pre-close and post-close integration, the board and executive teams of an F100 company...
4 Tips for a Successful Merger Integration
Statistically speaking, most merger integrations fail—between 70% and 90%, according to McKinsey and Harvard Business Review. What’s worse, those numbers are consistent in study after study… and...
Why Change Management Consultants Are Key for Complex Initiatives
Learn what a change management consultant is and what change management consultants do to help organizations successfully navigate transitions, align stakeholders, and achieve lasting change.
Targeted HR Expertise for One Part of a Larger Integration
A global pharmaceutical company acquired a large company, and though company leaders had managed smaller integrations through an integration management office (IMO), they needed broader...
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Senior Post-Merger Integration Lead for an International Consulting Firm
An international consulting firm was seeking a senior leader to support a post-merger integration for their client, a beauty retailer and pharmacy chain based in the UK. Following several years of...
M&A Integration Manager for Acquisition in Medical Devices Space
A multinational medical company specializing in eye care products acquired a medical device firm and needed help streamlining the global integration plan across four international markets in EMEA...
M&A: When Being in the Majority is Bad News
When you’re looking to grow, a merger or acquisition deal can be an attractive proposition. But the unfortunate truth is that most mergers and acquisitions fail—anywhere between 70% and 90%,...
Top 3 Business Problems – Post-Merger Integration
Post-merger integration is risky even for the well-prepared. Today’s deals are more complex than ever, and their value is always threatened by turnover, missed targets, and misaligned priorities....
Top 3 Business Problems – Early-Stage M&A
Business Talent Group’s independent consultants can help at all stages of the M&A lifecycle, but one place where they excel is at the start of a deal—or before, as executives seek to validate...
Rethinking the Integration Workflow
The Integration team at an acquisitive networking company was looking to reduce its reliance on traditional consulting firms. Yet workflow was uneven, and the Corporate Strategy office did not...
Improving Enterprise Data Processes
The executive team at a major agricultural conglomerate was re-examining how it managed enterprise data and processes. With the help of a Big Three consulting firm, the team crafted a strategic...
Integrating Software Systems
A Big Three consulting firm developed the growth strategy for this F500 B2B company—and identified an acquisition target to support it. But the VP of business development needed a more...
Integration Change Management
A Fortune 500 tech company had just acquired a global data firm with more than 1000 employees. But the Director of Integration was concerned that her overstretched team—which was already working...
Assessing an Acquisition’s Market Access Potential
A multi-million-dollar pharmaceutical company was in talks to acquire an orphan drug manufacturer with a pipeline asset that was about to launch in Europe. The company’s corporate development team...
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