From trending topics to cutting-edge concepts, BTG takes a no-nonsense look at the buzziest business jargon.

  • Strategic Workforce Planning: Behind the Buzzword

    Strategic Workforce Planning: Behind the Buzzword

    Strategic workforce planning has emerged as a critical way for HR and business leaders to deliver on broader business goals. But what is it?

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  • Behind the Buzzword: The Autonomous Supply Chain

    Behind the Buzzword: The Autonomous Supply Chain

    The drive for digitization is everywhere. What does that mean for supply chain planning?

  • Behind The Buzzword: Digital Transformation in Life Science

    Behind The Buzzword: Digital Transformation in Life Science

    What does it mean to talk about digital transformation in life science? Business Talent Group unpacks where the top opportunities are.

  • How can independent talent help you?

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  • See the top projects and skills companies are seeking help with this year.

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  • Behind the Buzzword: Digital Health

    Behind the Buzzword: Digital Health

    What is digital health, and what opportunities does it offer today's health and life science companies and their customers?

  • Behind the Buzzword: Human Cloud

    Behind the Buzzword: Human Cloud

    These days, it seems like everything is moving to the cloud—even people. But what is the human cloud?

  • Behind the Buzzword: Voice of the Customer

    Behind the Buzzword: Voice of the Customer

    Voice of the Customer programs help you harness customer insights to drive better product, branding, communication, and service decisions. Here's how.

  • Behind the Buzzword: Business Transformation

    Behind the Buzzword: Business Transformation

    The market is changing, and so is the process through which companies keep up. What is business transformation, and how is it evolving?

  • Find the perfect on-demand talent.

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  • What Are Flash Organizations? Behind the Buzzword

    What Are Flash Organizations? Behind the Buzzword

    Interest is growing in so-called flash organizations: teams that come together to tackle specific, complex problems, then disband.

  • Behind the Buzzword: Market Access

    Behind the Buzzword: Market Access

    If you work in Life Sciences, market access is probably a priority. But what's the best way to make it an integral part of your organization?

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