Recapping Today's "Greatest" Workforce Trends

December 3, 2021 Rachel Halversen

Hunt Scanlon Media recapped Business Talent Group (BTG)'s Post-COVID Workforce Trends Driving the Labor Market report that was published in late September of 2021. 

Hunt Scanlon's Editor-in-Chief Scott A. Scanlon, Managing Editor Dale M. Zupsansky, and Managing Editor Stephen Sawicki open the recap by agreeing that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused major changes in the labor force across the board. 

"The Great Resignation, the Great Realization and the Great Reshuffle are just some of labels that have been attached to varied trends sweeping through the business world. Behind it all are the major changes in the labor force caused by the pandemic. In a new report, Business Talent Group analyzes the changes and their impact."

Hunt Scanlon Media is a long-time leader in senior talent management and global staffing intelligence. With 32 years in the market, the outlet interfaces daily with more than 365,000 human capital professionals in over 181 countries—from CHROs, chief talent officers, talent acquisition specialists, company directors, and top decision-makers in finance, IT, sales, and marketing, to the more than 15,000 global executive search consultants who service them.

Take a moment to read Hunt Scanlon's coverage of the original report.

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