BTG Key Strengths: Digital Transformation

January 23, 2024

Unlock Access to the Talent You Need for an End-To-End Transformation

A successful digital transformation establishes a technical and operational foundation that can withstand disruption, new tech, market fluctuations, and changing customer demands. The skills and expertise needed across the transformation process vary—from IT assessment and niche data science knowledge to inform strategy to the project and change management necessary to guide implementation and adoption.

As the global market leader in high-end on-demand talent, Business Talent Group (BTG) connects top companies with independent consultants, interim executives, project managers, and hard-to-find talent skilled in data science, agile, AI, RPA, machine learning, advanced analytics, and more. These experienced professionals are available on demand to offer high-level strategic advice, integrate with internal teams, or drive and manage workstreams.

Drive Impactful Digital Change

Digital transformation projects are increasingly at the heart of business recovery and growth. Our Guide to Digital Transformation is packed with expert advice on how to successfully implement transformations.

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Jumpstart AI initiatives and drive real results—fast.

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