8 Tips to Make Your BTG Project Applications Stand Out

September 2, 2020 Eric Knox

Render of computer keyboard with Apply Now button

Once you join our community of independent consultants, you can apply for current Business Talent Group projects to help leading organizations tackle their biggest strategic, operational, and technological challenges. You can view all project postings—which have been vetted and scoped by our Talent Solutions team to ensure successful engagements for both you and our clients—under the “Projects” tab in the BTG Talent Portal.

To apply for a BTG project, click Apply Now while viewing the project posting and answer a few short questions about your relevant experience and qualifications. Once you apply for the project, our Talent Solutions team will personally review your responses. Should they determine that your experience and qualifications are a fit for the client’s needs, they will reach out to discuss the project further.

We appreciate the time and energy it takes to apply for a project, so we put together these tips to help you best position yourself for our project opportunities.


Apply Early

Please don’t hesitate to apply for BTG projects that you are interested in! Many clients prefer to review candidates on a rolling basis as applications come in, which means they may choose to move forward with a particular candidate before the application deadline. We will remove project postings if the client chooses talent prior to the deadline, so you can rest assured that any projects you see in the BTG Talent Portal are still seeking applicants.

Review the Project

Read the full project description before you start your application. Be sure to pay attention to key details such as the specific project requirements, deliverables, location, rate considerations, and timing.

Summarize Your Background

Treat the summary portion of the BTG project application as an executive summary. A great executive summary should be limited to 3-4 sentences that provide a quick overview of your relevant professional experience.

Provide Relevant Examples

The next part of the application will ask for 3–5 examples of your relevant experience. Be as specific as possible. The examples don’t have to be limited to consulting projects as an independent or with a past firm. They can also include initiatives you’ve led or supported while employed directly by a company.

Create a Project List

Consider creating a document with a library of pre-written bullets that you can refer back to when you apply for various BTG projects. You can and should still tailor the examples to reflect the specific needs of each project.

Protect Confidential Information

Do not reveal any confidential information about clients or projects in your responses. Sensitive information can be blinded in your examples (e.g. referring to the client as “a Fortune 100 retailer” instead of using its brand name).

Be Specific

We ask you to complete an application in addition to your profile because it gives you an opportunity to expand on your background and provide additional information that isn’t included in your profile. Be sure to highlight details that make you a perfect fit for the project at hand.

Keep an Eye on Your Applications

Our clients’ timelines for choosing a consultant and kicking off work can sometimes shift. You can check the up-to-date status of projects you’ve applied to by going to the “Projects” tab in the BTG Talent Portal and clicking “Applications” on the left side of the projects list.

We hope you find these tips helpful as you complete your applications for Business Talent Group projects. Current talent can view and apply for projects here. Have a question for our team or suggestions on how we can better serve our community of independent consultants? Contact us today!


Skilled professionals are becoming independent consultants to capitalize on their strengths, gain ownership over how they work, and select projects that interest and excite them. You can too! Become an independent consultant today.

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