BTG Reading Room: Talent News You Can Use

August 14, 2020 Summer Foote

Whether you’re new to the gig economy or have been flying solo for a while, there’s a lot to follow in the news and much to consider when managing and marketing your own business. Here’s some insight to add to your newsfeed.

Building and growing your independent consulting career

  • COVID-19 Is Causing People To Pivot Careers—If You Want To Reinvent Yourself, Here’s How To Start from Forbes
    As a result of COVID, many workers are reinventing their careers and striking out on their own. Forbes offers advice on building a personal brand, following (and monetizing) your passion, and creating a safety net.
  • Moving from Corporate to Contract from Boxes and Arrows
    An experienced design consultant walks through the process of building a freelance career—from finding a niche and clients to pricing, pitching, and closing deals.
  • How to Adjust to the New Normal of Remote Work from Upwork
    56 percent of hiring managers polled by Upwork said the shift to remote work went better than expected, and a separate Gartner study found that 74 percent of US financial leaders plan to shift some employees to remote work permanently. Upwork explores how companies can embrace the remote mindset in company culture, allowing talent the freedom of flexible work arrangements.
  • Freelancers: Take Charge of Your Finances with These 14 Tips from Forbes
    From taxes to investment and retirement, independents have plenty of financial responsibilities and potential pitfalls. Fourteen members of Forbes Finance Council offer their top finance tips for freelancers.
  • How to Grow Your Freelance Business with Strategic Self-Promotion from Inc
    “Now isn’t the time to be modest. Show current and future clients that you’re a perfect fit for the job.” Build your brand and your network with these tips from Inc.
  • Making It as a Freelancer from Business Insider
    From the initial start-up to contracts, rate setting, and dealing with difficult clients, Business Insider has compiled a series of guides and insights for independents.

Remote work and rapid change — the big picture

  • Microsoft Analyzed Data on Its Newly Remote Workforce from Harvard Business Review
    “We wanted to know how to nurture and improve employee well-being during times of crisis.” See Microsoft’s nuanced learnings after they studied their own newly dispersed team, looking at work-life balance and company culture in a remote work environment.
  • The Workforce Is About to Change Dramatically from The Atlantic
    A look at the broader implications of a long-term remote workforce suggests the possibility of an exodus from major cities, with the potential to affect the geography of the US electorate. The Atlantic looks at the big picture and what the future might (or very well might not) hold.
  • How To Close The Distance on Remote Work: The Most Important Leadership Skill from Forbes
    Responsiveness and accessibility are key elements of meaningful and impactful leadership, but what does that look like in a remote world? Here are some suggestions for fostering trust and empowerment and being open to team members without always having to be “on.
  • When Work Goes Remote from Upwork
    “With remote work, 49% of business spend is going from the top 15 most expensive places to lower cost places.” Research from Upwork dives into the potential for remote work to reshape the “geography of opportunity” for US workers.

For more insights to help you grow your independent consulting career, drive engagements, and boost project performance, check out our Talent Resources in the BTG Business Resource Center.


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