Competitive Landscape Analysis for Retail Brand Expansion

A global F100 food and beverage company was looking to glean an industry overview to increase awareness of how potential developments and shifts might impact business. Secondly, the client wanted to determine the go-to-market capabilities they could employ to win across customer and channel cohorts in the forecasted retail environment.

Business Talent Group (BTG) paired the client with a senior consumer goods leader with a background in global business development for food and beverage companies. The talent provided a projection of the retail landscape shifts through scenario-based modeling, as well as customer and channel analyses on changes in consumer requirements, supply chain, and overall service operation effectiveness.

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BTG Key Strengths: Strategy
BTG Key Strengths: Strategy

Strategy leaders often tap on-demand talent to support important needs such as annual planning and budgetin...

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2024 Talent Trends: Strategy and Internal Consulting Groups
2024 Talent Trends: Strategy and Internal Consulting Groups

As strategy and ICG leaders work to drive innovation, resilience, and growth in a dynamic environment, tale...

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