Identifying M&A Opportunities

The leadership team and board of a major professional association were looking to accelerate growth via acquisitions, in parallel to a series of other important initiatives and didn’t have the capacity or internal expertise to lead a diligence or valuation process. Needing help identifying, evaluating, and pursuing the best partnership and M&A opportunities, in addition to drafting materials for the Management Team and Board of Directors, the CFO reached out to Business Talent Group. BTG delivered an experienced M&A and finance consultant who had begun his career at Bain & Company and was able to move the process and presentation forward.

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Harnessing the Power of On-Demand Talent for Post-Merger Cost Reduction
Harnessing the Power of On-Demand Talent for Post-Merger Cost Reduction

Mergers and acquisitions often go hand-in-hand with strategic cost reduction. See how independent talent de...

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Inorganic Growth and Independent Talent
Inorganic Growth and Independent Talent

Businesses are making big moves to get back on track in the post-COVID era, with inorganic growth initiativ...

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