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2023 High-End Independent Talent Report

April 10, 2023

With economic concerns rising, companies are seeking to remain flexible amid uncertainty while still aiming to unlock the promise of advanced technologies, build more resilient and efficient operations, and strategize paths to sustainable, long-term growth. Yet 69% of HR professionals say they are experiencing a skills gap at their company—putting business leaders in a difficult position.

Independent, on-demand talent offer a fast, agile way for companies to obtain the expertise they need while remaining flexible with capacity and cost. Most companies are only beginning to realize the full benefits offered by the growing ranks of full-time independent talent—which have increased by 59% since 2020.

So how are they providing optionality and flexibility for top companies amid uncertainty in 2023? Check out the 2023 High-End Independent Talent Report to see how leaders across 12 industries and 12 business functions are using highly skilled independents to remain flexible amid uncertainty, capture growth opportunities, optimize processes and supply chains, transform tech and data capabilities, and fill critical gaps with experienced interim leaders.

Read the report to discover:

  • The most in-demand projects and skills by industry and business function
  • Trends in interim leadership at all levels of the organization
  • Which industries and business functions are the biggest users of independent talent
  • A closer look at the rising demand for independent expertise on IT and tech transformation initiatives
  • A spotlight on on-demand talent trends in Europe

Or jump straight to data on a specific capability, industry, or business function:

Trend Spotlights

Interim Leadership

IT and Tech Transformation

On-Demand Talent in Europe


Consumer Goods

Energy, Sustainability, and Clean Tech

Financial Services


Industrial Goods and Services


Life Science

Nonprofit and Government

Private Equity

Professional Services



Business Functions

Business and Corporate Development

CEOs and Presidents

Digital, Data, and IT


General Managers and P&L Leaders

Human Resources

Innovation and R&D



PMO and Transformation


Strategy and Internal Consulting Groups

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Thousands of independent consultants, subject matter experts, project managers, and interim executives are ready to help address your biggest business opportunities.

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